OK so it has been a while since my last post and to be honest my mind has just really been racing. So many things have run through my mind that I am not sure how to sort them all out.
This is a new month, a new venture, and a new series of events.
To be honest many times I feel as though I need a mental health day from myself! I need time to step back evaluate my life and see where things need to be. I dedicate so much time to doing things with others and spending time with the youth group that I love that I often times forget about myself. I know there are certain things that I need to do to take care of myself that I have been neglecting to do. I have Dr. appointments that I don't schedule, I have personal time that I need that I do not take, and I am sleep deprived! But at the same time Paul and I were talking as we were walking today (something that we have decided to start doing together) that he does not remember what we used to do before all of this. I do, our time was filled trying to find things on TV to watch and fill the void, and we bickered a lot more.
Next week we will celebrate 4 years of marriage! I am excited because sitting in church this past week listening to the pastor preach about marrying your best friend makes perfect sense. Paul and I are best friends. We have been through good and bad, wonderful and ugly moments. But all of those moments have brought us to where we are today. We love to spend time together, although totally understand when work pulls us away. I am so blessed to be with a man who knows so much about me and still wants me around lol.
With so many things this month going on, I hope to take time to reflect and be able to see the grace of everything through this situation.
Congrats on 4yrs :)