"Are you really OK?" I was asked this by a really good friend and accountability partner yesterday. My response was:
Yea today has been given to me as a gift. I am going to cherish the struggles, becuase to be honest it is going to make being a parent that much sweeter. But even if that is not what God has in store for my life, I am chosing to look at today as a gift. I am not going to go back to the Dr. until I am for sure pregnant. I just do not want to jump the gun so to speak and I want to make sure that I am hanging on to God and not what Dr.'s say if that makes sense...
You see I had started this week fresh, Monday morning got up early (5:30 AM) and made some coffee and started my quiet time. It was much needed and was as if God was going, nice to see you again. I am not saying that I had distanced myself from him, I have been clinging to him, but in prayer not by spendnig time in his word.
Then yesterday my sweet friend said she felt as though she was not there for me enough, which broke my heart but it made me realize what a gift it was and this was my response to her:
Please do not think that you have not been there for me!!! Trust me, there is no animosity, and I do not in the least bit feel you have been selfish!!! I love you and there is nothing you could to to hinder that! Trust me! I am in a great place in my walk and in my life! I'm serious when I say that too. It gets easier and easier each day! To be honest not being bombarded (if that is the right word) with friendship has caused me to rely on my Heavenly Father for answers and comfort rather than getting advice and comfort from my friends if that makes sense...
I have enjoyed this time with God. I can not say my struggles have been as bad or as hard as those around me, because I know I am blessed. I have a husband who is my best friend who I can honestly tell anything and everything to no matter what I am feeling... even if I am way wrong, he just lets me vent away. I have family that loves me, and although I know I am stubborn and bitter sometimes, they love me dspite all of that. And my friends, dear friends who read my blogs, love me of facebook, email me, whom I voulenteer with, whom I study God's word with, whom I am blessed to get paid to work with, and whom share their lives with me... THANK YOU!!! It makes my struggles seem very small, not that they are not real, but how can I not see myself as so incredibly blessed with everything I do have by focusing on something I do not.
God has given me today as a gift, and I will cherish it and not live for tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself and I can not live tomorrow until tomorrow :) I am blessed beyond measure... and I thank my heavenly Father for the struggles, because it keeps me close to him where he wants me... on my knees
So yes, I am doing great! And thank so many of you for thinking about me!
Until next time!
5th Grade Field Day
6 years ago
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